Emotiva B2+ Review – Should You Upgrade Your B1+ Speakers?

I recently ordered the new Emotiva B2+ speakers to review as I’m always recommending the Emotiva B1+ model to friends looking for affordable bookshelf speakers.

As I was reading back through my review of the B1+ speakers, I thought it would be more interesting to write an article comparing the two speakers for anyone who might own the B1+ speakers and are considering upgrading to the new B2+ models.

I’ve narrowed down the differences between the speakers to three categories: size, specs and sound.

Let’s discuss each difference below to help you decide if upgrading to the B2+ is the right decision for you.

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Nakamichi CR-1A Review – One Of My Favorite Vintage Cassette Decks

As someone who loves vintage audio, I’ve owned several cassette decks in my lifetime. I’m excited to tell you about one of my favorite vintage cassette decks with this Nakamichi CR-1A review. 

It can be intimidating when shopping for a used cassette deck and I’ve made plenty of mistakes. I always owned cheaper dual deck players by Sony or Pioneer. I no longer buy those. 

I’ve even spent a lot of money to buy 3 head cassette decks and use them less than the Nakamichi CR-1A. There are some very nice high end Nakamichi cassette decks, like the infamous Dragon, but for my system and use, this CR-1A is perfect for me and the price is very hard to beat. 

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The One Little Bear Vu3 Amplifier Speaker Switch Review

Do you have multiple amplifiers and wish you could easily switch back and forth between them at the push of a button? Do you have two sets of speakers that you would like to listen to without having to swap the wire on the back of your one amplifier? If yes, there is a product that will allow you to easily switch between amplifiers and speakers. Today I’m going to review the One Little Bear Vu3 amplifier/speaker switch made by Douk Audio. 

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Aiyima T9 Review: A Small Amp With A Very Big Sound

After watching a few videos on YouTube, I decided to immediately purchase and review the Aiyima T9 amplifier. The videos on YouTube are a bit polarizing with Randy from Cheap Audio Man calling it a possible product of the year while Sean from Zero Fidelity gives a buyer beware warning showing the T9 malfunctioning.

Where does my review of the Aiyima T9 fall in comparison to these two videos? I’m going to say it falls somewhere in the middle, with a slight edge towards agreeing with Randy at Cheap Audio Man.

Let’s get into all of the pros and cons of this little mini amp below.

UPDATE: I just recently purchased the Aiyima T9 Pro and compared that to the original T9 to determine if they fixed the previous issues. That article can be found here.

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The Six Best Record Stores in Chattanooga, TN

A personal list of my favorite record stores to browse while visiting Chattanooga, TN.

Photo by Jeff Miller on Unsplash

I live in Nashville which is a short drive to Chattanooga. I’ve been visiting the city for years and will be there much more during the next four years while my twin sons begin attending the University of Tennessee in Chattanooga starting this fall.

Whenever I visit a city, I scope out record stores before arriving to hopefully attend as many as possible while in town.

See below for a list of my favorite Chattanooga record stores, in no particular order.

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The 6 Best Record and Antique Stores in Memphis, TN

A personal list of my favorite record stores and antique stores to browse while visiting Memphis, TN.

Photo by Trac Vu from Pexels

I live in Nashville which is a short drive to Memphis. I’ve been visiting the city for years, usually to catch a Grizzlies game.

Whenever I’m in Memphis, I make it a point to visit as many record stores as possible. Recently, I found a couple of antique stores selling records as well, so I’ve added those to my list of stores to visit whenever I’m in Memphis.

See below for a list of my favorite Memphis record and antique stores, in no particular order.

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