Aiyima T9 Pro – Is It Better Than The Original T9 Model?

Earlier this year, I reviewed the Aiyima T9, a small class D amplifier, made in China which retails for just $129. The small unit produced a pretty significant sound, but it was riddled with a number of annoying quirks during operation. There is now an Aiyima T9 Pro model released and I want to review that model by comparing it to the original version to see what they fixed and if there are any lingering issues.

Let’s first talk about some of the issues Aiyima addressed with the new Pro model.

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Aiyima T9 Review: A Small Amp With A Very Big Sound

After watching a few videos on YouTube, I decided to immediately purchase and review the Aiyima T9 amplifier. The videos on YouTube are a bit polarizing with Randy from Cheap Audio Man calling it a possible product of the year while Sean from Zero Fidelity gives a buyer beware warning showing the T9 malfunctioning.

Where does my review of the Aiyima T9 fall in comparison to these two videos? I’m going to say it falls somewhere in the middle, with a slight edge towards agreeing with Randy at Cheap Audio Man.

Let’s get into all of the pros and cons of this little mini amp below.

UPDATE: I just recently purchased the Aiyima T9 Pro and compared that to the original T9 to determine if they fixed the previous issues. That article can be found here.

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